Knowing that children are a precious gift from God, the nursery ministry is committed to earning the confidence of every parent who entrusts their child to our care. Our dedicated and loving volunteers strive to share the love of Christ with each child, while maintaining a safe, clean, and welcoming atmosphere. Our spacious and recently remodeled nursery rooms are age appropriate and designed for the mobility of infants and the various activities of toddlers. Parents can utilize the nursery ministry with confidence and peace of mind knowing their child is in a safe and caring environment, enabling them to enjoy each service at FBC Norman Park. |
First Kids - Sunday @ 10/11a
At FBC Norman Park, your child will discover Biblical truths in an exciting and vibrant atmosphere. For those parents who would like to come early, we have teachers ready for a 10 AM classroom type setting. The First Kids experience begins on Sunday morning where the worship experience is tailored specifically to meet your child’s spiritual needs. We have a fully staffed nursery, preschool, and children’s department. During Sunday morning worship at 11AM we offer an engaging, exciting, hand-on worship experience. Here's why: First Kids helps children respect, appreciate and utilize the Bible. Reverence for God’s written words doesn’t come naturally, sadly. A healthy environment, centered around the Bible, will elevate its importance in a child’s life. First Kids teaches children how to navigate the Bible. If a child joins the Scouts, the Scoutmaster doesn’t hand him a 400 page map and say, “Good luck!” First Kidsl teachers don’t just teach Bible stories, they show a child how to utilize it in every day life on their own level. First Kids gives kids a chance to ask questions. Because we break out into small groups on Sunday morning and Wednesday nights, First Kids is the perfect format for in-depth discussion. This format allows teachers to give kids more good food for thought. First Kids develops a community of believers. A community of children, worshipping, learning the Bible and discovering God together creates a bond that single study can’t accomplish. First Kids is the Petri dishes for the future church, and equips them to transition into youth and adulthood with ease. |
First Kids - Wednesday @ 6:30p
Wednesday night is a children's Bible program that meets every Wednesday starting at 6:30p.m. It is for ages Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Children participate in Bible memory, craft projects, and games all centered around teaching them the principle of God's Word. FBC hosts a dynamic ministry for the children that seeks to help them know Jesus Christ better, to give them a practical understanding of the Bible, and to enable them to reach others with the truth. |